Build Your Case to Attend EBACE

If you haven’t already registered for the upcoming European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition
(EBACE2019), 21 to 23 May in Geneva, Switzerland – and need approval from your manager to do so, review the recommendations below to build the strongest case possible.

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The best way to show your employer the value of your attendance at EBACE is to focus on specific, tangible information:

1Directly connect your individual professional development to your organization’s goals

Identify sessions from the EBACE program schedule that you plan to attend, and share the description with your supervisor. Talk about what you hope to learn, how it will enhance your own job function, and how it can increase the effectiveness of the overall operation.

2Emphasize the benefits for the organization as a whole

Volunteer to bring back information from the convention. Let your supervisor know that whatever knowledge and contacts you gain can be shared with your team, and outline a plan to debrief them on these learnings following the event. Identify several key exhibitors you plan to meet with in person, or products and services you plan to review, that may help your team or organization in the year ahead.

3 Make it easy on them

Provide all of the information they will need to make a decision in one place. That includes: the cost of attending, location (Palexpo in Geneva, Switzerland), dates (Tuesday 21 May through Thursday 23 May 2019), list of exhibitors, and agenda. And don’t forget that registering in advance will save members and non-members an extra $100 dollars, so it pays to make your plans now!

You want your employer to know that your attendance at EBACE is about more than just you. It’s about getting you the tools you need to operate at your highest level. It’s about your organization reaching its highest goals. And it’s about what you can do to help.