Flor Diaz Pulido

Head of Unit Aviation Policy (MOVE/E1)

Flor Diaz PulidoFlor Diaz Pulido was nominated head of unit in aviation policy at DG Move in June of this year. She joined the Galileo department in 2017 as deputy head of unit.

Diaz Pulido joined the commission in 1995 working in the legal affairs department of DG Fisheries. She moved later into energy matters, including inter-institutional matters, internal markets and legal affairs. In 2002 she began work in aviation and maritime transports, internal markets, consumer affairs related to transport and passenger rights at DG MOVE.

She was appointed head of sector and then deputy head of unit in 2009, and joined DG GROW in 2013 as deputy head of unit for resource efficiency and raw materials.

Diaz Pulido studied law and European law at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and Granada University. She completed studies on international affairs at Barcelona Central University, including periods at Cambridge University, Sciences Politiques (Paris) and the “Hautes Etudes Internationales” in Geneva.


EBACE Media Luncheon (By Invitation Only)
Monday, 20 May 2019