Róman Kok

Manager, Communications, European Business Aviation Association (EBAA)

Róman KokWith a passion for the EU policy cycle, Róman Kok seeks every perspective of the political playing field. He asks questions such as: Who are the actors? Who are the influencers? What trends can be identified in society that will enable us to better position ourselves?

Before joining EBAA, Kok gained experience in the public spheres while working at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Poland, taking part in bilateral negotiations and the NATO summit of 2016. He worked on projects such as Nord-Stream II and circular economy.

Kok joined the private sphere while working in the environment and energy practice of an internationally renowned PR and PA consultancy in Brussels, focusing on the circular economy, the renewable energy directive and REACH while working to influence EU policymaking with large multi-national clients.

With an interest in environmental issues, a bachelor’s degree in European studies and a double master’s in science in public policy, Kok is equipped with both technical expertise and practical experience to critically analyze problems, propose solutions and execute these in the field of EU affairs and communications.


YoPro Session: If Not Us, Who? If Not Now, When? Making a Long-term Impact
Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Beyond Limits: How I Broke into Business Aviation and How You Can Too
Thursday, 23 May 2019