Greg Heine

Senior Vice President, Maintenance Software, JSSI

Greg Heine

Greg Heine currently serves as Senior Vice President, Maintenance Software at JSSI, managing operations and sales for the suite of software solutions under the Traxxall brand. Traxxall is a modern, cloud-based SaaS solution that provides maintenance and inventory management capabilities for corporate flight departments, charter, management companies and maintenance service centers around the world.

Heine has been an innovator in the business aviation industry for the last 15 years, and previously served as President of Flightdocs until the acquisition of the company by ATP (now Veryon). He was also the CEO of Vessel Vanguard, an application for managing maintenance used by yacht owners and commercial vessel operators, and founder of GHC Interactive, a business aviation, technology focused consulting group.


Aircraft Maintenance 2.0 – Digitalization: The Challenging Pathway to Safety and Efficiency
Tuesday, 28 May 2024
14:00 – 15:00