Charles Pace

Director General for Civil Aviation, Transport Malta

Charles Pace

Charles Pace started off in the aviation industry more than 40 years ago when he took up a summer job in between studies. He immediately fell in love with the industry and has never looked back. He started out as a cabin crew member, went on to do some work in ground operations until he obtained his flying licence.

Pace started out flying 737s as a first officer and was promoted to captain a few years later. He was a TRI/TRE on the fleet and went on to be chief pilot Boeing 737 at the national airline. He has held posts as safety and compliance manager for the national carrier, and safety manager for a private jet company.

Pace was appointed to the board of directors of the Transport Authority in Malta and later became Director General for Civil Aviation, a post he has held for the last five years. Charles Pace is part of the National Security Committee, the Sanctions Monitoring Board and the National Aerospace Board.


Long-term Strategies for the Future of Business Aviation
Wednesday, 24 May 2023
11:30 – 12:30